
Try/catch is used to catch an error and prevent it from stopping the entire flow.

There are 2 lanes in a Try/catch block. In Try, you put the blocks you want to try. If one of them returns an error, the execution of the Try lane is stopped and the flow continues with the Catch lane. If no errors happen, the Catch lane is never executed.

Precisely what is quantified as an error is hard to say. For instance, a Print block will almost never return an error - if the document gets sent to the printer, but the printer doesn't print it, the Print block considers that a success. We advise you to try out different scenarios when using Try/catch to make sure you catch the error you want to catch.

A common use of Try/catch is putting one output block in the Try lane and a Display message in the Catch lane. That way, you can inform your user that something went wrong while still executing the rest of the flow.


You can read more about flow control blocks here.