Creating Native users

1. In the Project Console, select the Control panel button.

The Control panel displays.

2. Select the Users button.

The Users page displays.

Note:The User type tab can be used to review all 3 user types. However, only Native users can be managed from this page.
3. Select the Native tab.

The page refreshes with any existing native users.

4. Select the + Create button.

The Create user window displays.

5. Create the user.
5.1. In the User name field, input the name to display for the user.
5.2. In the Description field, input any descriptions you need for the user.
5.3. In the First name field, input the user's first name.
5.4. In the Middle name field, input the user's middle name.
5.5. In the Last name field, input the user's last name.
5.6. In the E-mail field, input the e-mail the user will utilize for logging into Smart Flows.
5.7. In the Password field, input a password for the user.
5.8. In the Confirm password field, input the same password entered in the Password field.
5.9. In the Role field, select the User Role to define the new user's permissions in your project.
6. Select the blue Create button.

The Create user window no longer displays.

The new user displays in the list view.

Syncing Connected Users

Note: When syncing users with multiple connectors such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE the system is configured to sync both connections at the same time. However, when unassigning user roles the user must be removed from all host systems.

Syncing is the process by which you connect the existing users in your CRM solution to Smart Flows. This allows you to manage your users directly through your existing CRM. However, you'll first need to assign them the correct security roles from within CRM.


The user named "admin" will not sync in version 4.2.0 of Experlogix for Sugar. This user cannot be used to execute flows. This restriction will be lifted in a later iteration.

Setting security role from within Dynamics

Syncing users also reads their Dynamics security role and translates that into Smart Flows user role. Here's how to set your users' security roles:

1. In Microsoft Dynamics 365, go to Settings > Security.

2. Select the Users button.

3. Select the users whose role you want to change.
4. Select the Manage Roles button.

5. In the new window, select the role to assign to the selected users. Select just one role.

Setting User Roles with Security Groups

Admins can also set user roles within Smart flows via the teams function within Dynamics. Dynamics admins can create security groups that match the user roles within Smart Flows. Users assigned to those security groups receive the same roles as those who've been using the Setting security role from within Dynamics process. We provide the steps to modify an existing team to add the Smart Flows security roles; for more information on overall Dynamics team management refer to Microsoft Dataverse teams management.




Administrators have access to all components of Smart Flows with no restrictions. They are also able to assign and manage the roles of other users.


Designers have a reduced number of Project Console abilities- they cannot make significant changes that could break the project. They can also access the Template Builder add-in for designing templates.

Super User

Super Users are like users but can run other users' flows. Most Super Users are assigned this role when using the API. This role can only be assigned to native users.


Users can access the Flow Execution Panel and run flows.

Xpertdoc Smart Flows Workflow Executor

Serves as a group underneath the role that allows non-Smart Flows users to execute Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE Workflows. These users are not synced in Smart Flows. The Xpertdoc Smart Flows Workflow Executor user role only exists in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE.

1. Create new teams for each of your Smart Flows Security Roles, refer to create a new team for more information.
2. In Microsoft Dynamics 365, go to Settings > Security.

Dynamics Security Button

3. Select the Teamsbutton.

Teams Button

4. Select the small arrow next to your team's title
5. In the dropdown menu, select all ADO Security Group Teams.

The page refreshes with all of your organization's Security Group Teams.

Add AAD Security Group Teams button

6. Select the Security Group you wish to modify.

The security group page loads

7. Retrieve the Microsoft Entra ID Object ID for the security role you wish the group to have; refer to Find subscriptions and roles for more information.

Dynamics Security Group List view

8. Microsoft Entra ID Object ID for a group field, copy and paste the Subscription ID.
9. Use the search bar to assign users to the Security Group; refer to Manage team members for more information.
10. Repeat Step 2 Managing Users through Step 9 Managing Users .

Configuring Azure AD Object ID

Sync your Users

Manual user sync

Note: When syncing users with multiple connectors such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE the system is configured to sync both connections at the same time. However, when unassigning user roles the user must be removed from all host systems.

1. In the Project Console, select the Control panel button.

The Control panel displays.

2. Select the Users button.

The Users page displays.

3. In the Project Console Users List view, select the Sync button.

A message displays in blue, informing you that Smart Flows is syncing users in the background.

When the synchronization process completes, you'll get a success message in green stating " Successfully synchronized users."

Automatic user sync

Note:You can also access this setting from Control Panel > Settings > User Management tab.

1. In the Project Console, select the Control panel button.

The Control panel displays.

2. Select the Users button.

The Users page displays.

3. Select the Connected button.

The list view refresheswith the list of currently synced Connected users.

4. Select the Configure sync button.

The Configure sync window displays.

5. Select the checkbox for Enable automatic user syncing.
6. In Syncing schedule field, input how often the user sync process occurs.

Note:The schedule is calculated starting from midnight. For instance, if you select "Every 3 hours" in the schedule, the sync occurs at 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, etc.

7. Select the Save button.

The system displays a message in green, "successfully updated project settings."

Activating and deactivating native users

Administrators can activate and deactivate native users from the native users' list view in the Project Console's Users List view. Activating a user confirms their creation within Smart Flow, while deactivating a user renders them unable to log in or interact with Smart Flows. All items created by a deactivated user remain intact after deactivation.

It is not possible to deactivate the final remaining administrator.

1. In the Project Console, select the Control panel button.

The Control panel displays.

2. Select the Users button.

The Users page displays.

3. Select the Native button.

The page refreshes with any existing native users.

4. Select the users to deactivate or deactivate
5. Select Activate or Deactivate as required.

The system displays a message "successfully updated project settings."

Managing Azure DevOps User Permission

During the authentication of the Smart Flows Dynamics connector, Microsoft Azure will ask the IT administrator to configure the user consent settings for the app. Smart Flows will not function for non-admin users when creating a Dynamics connector if the system configuration does not allow user consent for applications.

This permissions consent is completely separate from the security roles assigned in Dynamics. IT Admins have several configuration options available to meet their organizational security requirements. Our recommendation is to allow users for apps from verified publishers or to Assigning Smart Flows Consent to an Azure Groups.

Index No.

Field name



Do not allow user consent

Prevents users from consenting to allow the Smart Flows application to make connections.


Allow user consent for apps from verified publishers

Allows users to consent to apps based on the permissions configuration on your organization has created.


Allow user consent for apps

Allows all Smart Flows users to consent to for ap

proval when connecting Smart Flows connectors.

Assigning Smart Flows Consent to an Azure Group

Assigning consent permissions to a group allows organizations to tightly control what apps is able to access their CRM data and who is able provide that consent.

1. In Microsoft Azure, navigate to Home/Enterprise applications/Xperdoc Smart Flows.
2. Set Assignment required to Yes.

3. Create a group for Smart Flows users.
4. Search for and select the created group.
5. Assign that group the permissions to consent for the Experlogix Smart Flows application.

Approving Consent Requests

Microsoft Azure Administrators receive consent requests under the Admin Consent Requests tab.

Once approved, it will then add the Admin Consent under the Enterprise application created for Smart Flows.