Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab gets detailed information about template compilation during flow execution and also displays a analysis of the latest template version.

Template Compilation Details

Template Compilation Details

Users can manually fill the cache per template or language and track the compilation time. The Template compilation details table displays all the templates with their languages options, if the templates are cached, and the time taken to compile them. With compilation details, Admins can track the cached templates.

Compilation Details Table

Field name



List of the templates related to the flow.


Published language version.

Compilation time (s)

Compilation time per template in seconds.

Requested by

Users who ran the flow.

Size (kB)

The size of the template.

Compiled at

Compilation date and time.


If the template is yet to compile, it allows you to compile it. If already compiled, you can clear the cached version of a template by clicking the "x" icon.