
To access the Project Console or the Flow Execution Panel, you need to authenticate to Smart Flows (at least the first time). If you are using an integration with Dynamics, SugarCRM or Salesforce, you can access Smart Flows using the same credentials as your CRM system.

The first time you want to access Smart Flows, you'll be presented with a screen like this:

Connected User

In the example above, the Smart Flows environment is configured for an integration with Microsoft Dynamics. This is why we have the option to 'Log in with Microsoft Dynamics'. We support the same thing with SugarCRM and SalesForce. In the terminology of Smart Flows, accessing the system with credentials of your own CRM is referred to 'Connected User'. If you prefer to access the system with a Smart Flows user, we call those 'Native User'.

If you select on the 'Log in with Microsoft Dynamics', Smart Flows we first try to detect if you are already authenticated to your CRM system. If this is the case, you won't have to enter any credentials and you'll have access to Smart Flows. Otherwise, you'll need to provide your CRM credentials. If your CRM user is not configured in Smart Flows (i.e. all CRM users having a Smart Flows role must be synchronized in Smart Flows), you'll receive an error message saying that your user is not an Smart Flows user.

Native User

You can access Smart Flows using a native user. Simply provide the username, password and select 'Log In' to authenticate.

If the credentials are valid, you will be redirected to Smart Flows. Depending on your project’s configuration, you may be redirected to the Project Console or the Flow Execution Panel.

Security / CAPTCHA

Smart Flows can detect brute force or suspicious login attempts. In that situation, the system provides a CAPTCHAClosed System tags are tags that are present in your project from the beginning. They are either part of the core system or tied to a connector. response to the user. The system also provides a CAPTCHA response to users who fail to enter valid credentials multiple times.